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Preis erfragen Unterstütze: The Killing of Tony Blair by George Galloway MP; London

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Petitionen - Unterstützung Published date: 05/10/2013 Modified date: 05/10/2013
  • Land: United Kingdom
  • Region: London
  • Stadt: London

The Killing of Tony Blair by George Galloway MP;


"Some people make a living, others make a killing" - an exclusive new documentary on Tony Blair which will break unexplored ground

Thank you for all the pledges so far!

Your contributions so far have been overwhelmingly generous. Given the great enthusiasm we have received so far, we have raised our ambitions to making a feature length documentary for global cinema release in order to reach the widest audience possible and to making this the best and most thorough documentary it can be. Therefore we need to keep raising funds. Please keep circulating the link and keep telling your friends and family to continue to donate. Tony Blair knows we are after him, let’s let him know we mean business!


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