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70.00 Euro € Biete Buch ISDN and SS7 Architectures for Digital Signaling Networks Uyless Black Wien

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Bücher - Zeitschriften Published date: 26/09/2012 Modified date: 26/09/2012
  • Land: Austria
  • Region: Wien
  • Stadt: Wien

Buch ISDN and SS7 Architectures for Digital Signaling Networks Uyless Black

Prentice Hall series in advanced communications technologies.

Ch. 1. Introduction to Digital Signaling Systems
Ch. 2. Basics of Analog In-Band Signaling
Ch. 3. The Integrated Services Digital Network (ISDN) Architecture
Ch. 4. ISDN Layers 1 and 2
Ch. 5. ISDN Layer 3
Ch. 6. National ISDN, Internet Access, and Other Services
Ch. 7. Signalling System Number 7 (SS7) Architecture
Ch. 8. MTP 1 and MTP 2
Ch. 9. MTP 3
Ch. 10. Signaling Connection Control Part (SCCP)
Ch. 11. Intermediate Signaling Network Identification (ISNI)
Ch. 12. Operations, Maintenance, and Administration Part (OMAP)
Ch. 13. ISDN User Part (ISUP)
Ch. 14. Transaction Capabilities Applications Part (TCAP)
Ch. 15. Intelligent Networks
App. A. The OSI Model in ISDN and SS7
App. B. The OSI Presentation Layer and SS7
App. C. The ISDN Terminal Adapter (TA).

Other information:

Includes bibliographical references (p. 333-335) and index.


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